makes running your
business easier


Patch Management

We provide full patch and update management for Microsoft Windows operating system, MS Office, Java, Flash, Firefox, Adobe Reader, and MANY other industry standard applications. These updates are deployed simultaneously so that it won’t affect your network performance and all your workstations are synchronized.

Server management

we monitor most critical system in the business network environment in real time.. We are immediately alerted to any errors or downtime so that we can assess and repair the problem in a timely fashion, many times before you are even aware if there was an issue.

Workstation management

In Workstation Monitoring, we monitor health and performance of the system. Make sure all the updates are applied and improving performance of the system. All issues that are able to be repaired remotely are fully covered at NO ADDITIONAL COST. Onsite service is offered at a discounted rate for issues that require it

Security Management

We deploy managed Antivirus on all our workstations and servers. It allows us to deploy, monitor, manage, update, report, and automatically fix virus threats by quickly and easily configuring an antivirus agent. We are currently partnered with Symantec End point protections for our managed services. But we worked with various AV software on regular basis.

Back up management

We support onsite and offsite backup systems for our clients. These are critical services we recommend each one to take part of. Managed Backup ensures you NEVER have to experience the tragedy of a catastrophic data loss. Our backup system keeps both a local copy at your location for fast data retrieval, as well as a remote copy stored in our secure data center, in case of a worst-case scenario situation where the local copy is damaged or stolen. We can also setup back up services to critical workstations at the facility or homes.

Datacenter services

We have state of the art Datacenter at the Allcenta Premises. We host more than 500 servers at the facility. We can manage your expectations for hosting your servers or any virtual machines. We can also incorporate physical server at our datacenter and can provide remote connections to users. We are quipped with Backup power station, backup internet for minimal downtime. We provide onsite, offsite backup solutions to all the servers hosted at the facility. We are also equipped with DRR services in case of emergency.

Email Management

We are platinum partners with Microsoft. We are hosting more than 100 domains with office 365. We have also worked with multiple other email providers such as Go-daddy, Network solutions etc. We can migrate emails services from an email provider to other. We also maintain email security with intrusion preventions, automatic scan and email scan (all these services are added feature in any email host). Maintain email and domain accounts is one of our routine task for this services.

Network Management (Wireless and network)

We provide a comprehensive range of Network Monitoring and Performance Management solutions for our clients. Our real time monitoring allows us to keep a constant eye on these critical components of your business. Sometime computer system us not the only culprit for network performance. Sometimes it could be wire or router or access point etc. Our team of experts will keep monitoring the network and troubleshoot any issue at earliest.

VoIP Services

We are partenered with Panasonic, Grandstream and other phone hardware vendors. We are also partnered with LCB solutions, Reachify in order to provide PBX, SIP or VoIP services to our client. Some of the features for our phone systems are easy reporting, Softphone access, easy setup and maintenance with web portal etc.

Website Development :

We have a dedicated team for website maintenance and development. You can check our designed webpages in our website tab on our website.

Remote access service

Most of our customers are able to work remotely with our remote connectivity feature. We provide remote connections to their workstations via remote connectivity tools or VPN. This makes work from home easy.

In house IT

If requested we can setup a Inhouse IT for the practice. This drops down the troubleshooting significantly. We have team of skilled qualified Network and computer engineers which can be part of your facility. But this will be added cost to the regular monthly maintenance.

Break fix service

The Break-fix model charges users for consultation, repairs made, and hourly labor. It is impossible to budget for unforeseen issues, and there is no real way for you to know if you are paying a fair price. There are also no preventative measures being taken to avoid future problems, so with Break-Fix, you are leaving yourself open to surprise costs.

Dictation service

We have a dedicated team for Dictations and medical transcription. More than 200 medical facilities, Lawyers and other businesses in LA and OC region are equipped with our service. We are skilled with EMR and EHR in order to upload all the reports precisely.


We have team of highly skilled wireman to run data and phone cables for your new facility or home. We can run cables for data, sound system, security Cameras and telephones. Each job is different and cost for each job varies accordingly.

Goal-oriented pricing that
scales with you

Choose from our affordable 4 packages

Tier 1


Only Server based MSP

We will take care of the server management services. We will manage server maintenance, Back up, patch management and Security. This server can be hosted at Allcenta datacenter or onsite at client location. Any other call regarding any other issue will be treated as service call and will be charged accordingly.

What's included:

Tier 2


Composite Package for MSP

We will take care of the Server management, Patch Management, Security services and backup for servers. We will also provide support for limited amount of service issue arise at the client location. That no can be varied from 5-10 service calls (phone calls or Field visit) per month. Once the limit is reached all other calls that month will be treated as independent service calls and charged accordingly

What's included:

Tier 3


Composite Package for MSP

We will take care of the Server management, Patch Management, Security services and backup for servers. We will take care of all the issues remotely. No Field visit is included in this package. All on site visits will be treated as independent service calls and charged accordingly.

What's included:

Tier 4


Complete care Package

From servers to workstation, From router, switches to Access points. Everything related to network will be taken care by Allcenta. Unlimited calls and site visits are included in this package

What's included:

Grow your business
fast with allcenta

Get in touch

Either by phone or e-mail we would love to answer any questions you may have.